Pico CTF General skills Walkthrough
In this story We are walking through the General skills category of Pico CTF!
Lets directly get into the walkthrough…
- Obedient Cat:
Download the file from the task, since the file is in ASCII text format you can simply open it as like the text file. you can check the file format using command: file <fileName>.
2. python Wrangling:
Download all three files and you can see there is a python scrip, an encrypted flag txt file and a pw.txt file…
Execute the python file with command python3 <fileName>
It requires an argument(in our case a file) with -e/-d flag…
Now enter python3 <python_fileName> -e <our flag file Name>…
Now it will ask for password…enter the password in our pw.txt file…
but it will reflect some encrypted text, But what we need is Decrypted text…
So try with -d flag python3 <python_fileName> -d <our flag file Name> it will ask for password enter the password and you’ll get the flag.
3. Wave a flag:
This is as simple as opening a flag… just download the file check for executable permissions if it is not then assign permission for execution to that file and execute it… Boom! you’ll get the flag.
4. Nice Netcat… :
If you don’t know about Netcat you can find the link for netcat resource in this challenge’s Hint you can learn there…if you know Netcat the good to go!
Just copy the command in pink color and paste it in the terminal it will reflect with some rows of numbers you can see that the numbers are in Decimal… copy the numbers and go here and paste the numbers and you’ll get the flag!
Flag : picoCTF{g00d_k1tty!_n1c3_k1tty!_3d84edc8}
5. Static ain’t always Noise:
Download both file give executable permission for ltdis.sh file, and run it with static file it will show you a file name…
open the file and you’ll find the flag there or you can use grep to get the flag like me ;).
6. Tab, Tab, Attack:
Download and unzip the file using unzip <fileName> command and type “cd A” then press tab continuously until it stops…there you’ll find a file run the file you’ll find the flag
7. Magikarp Ground Mission:
Launch the instance once launched it will show you an command in pink color… copy paste it in terminal it will prompt you for password type the password given in the challenge it will log you in!
Then type ls and read the files it will guide you.
8. Lets Warm Up:
Go to google and search hexadecimal to ascii converter and open the first link that shows up. or go here then enter 70 in hexadecimal table and press convert it will give you a letter in this case ‘p’.
Submit it in Flag format picoCTF{p}.
Search “0x3D in Decimal” in google it show you 61 as answer submit it in picoCTF flag format.
9. 2Warm:
Search “42 in binary” in google you’ll get the answer. submit it in flag format.
10. what’s a net cat?:
Open Terminal type “nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 64287” and click enter, you’ll get the flag.
11. Strings It:
Download file and run it with “strings strings | grep pico” command you’ll get the flag.
12. Bases:
Basically its Base64 encoding text just copy it and go to here and paste it before converting don’t forget to select ASCII decoding and press convert you’ll get the text submit it in flag format.
13. First Grep:
Download file type command “cat file | grep pico”.
14. Based:
Copy Netcat command in challange, before running it open new tab in browser after run the command first it will show you some binary number covert it to ascii, second it will show you some octal numbers convert it into ascii , third it will show you base64 text convert it to ascii it will be pretty hard you can do it with you browser like search binary to ascii or octal to ascii or base64 to ascii. after you complete this you’ll get the flag.
15. Plumbing:
Simple copy the command in the challange run it like “nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 7480 | grep pico”. you’ll get the flag
16. mus1c:
Download file copy content of file and paste it here in first box and click rock it will output some decimal numbers copy those numbers convert it into ascii youll get the flag.
17. flag_shop:
The Flag is : picoCTF{m0n3y_bag5_9c5fac9b}
You’ll find the explanation here ’cause this article explain very clearly.
18. 1_wanna_b3_a_r0ck5tar:
The Flag is : picoCTF{BONJOVI}
You’ll find the explanation here ’cause this article explain very clearly.
Hence We have successfully completed the Walkthrough of PicoCTF General skills category.
Next Week walkthrough will be in web Exploitation category in picoCTF!